Woohoo! We are done for now with our portion of the paperwork! Our dossier is on it's way right this moment to Holt, our adoption agency. Now it will wait in line to get reviewed before going to China. Here's a picture of the certified and authenticated documents and required pictures that are included. The pages from the Chinese consulate, with the red seals, are actually very pretty in person. We've worked on getting this stack of papers since the end of September so it's a little weird to be sending it off and know we'll never see it again.
Our agency sends dossiers to China every Friday so if all goes well and there are no errors or revisions needed, then our dossier could be on it's way to China on February 10th. That's the earliest it could go. It's much more likely that it will be the 17th, or even the 24th. We'll have to wait and see. The day it goes to China (or DTC date) is significant because that's when the wait for referral officially begins in the eyes of our agency. In China's eyes the wait begins with the log in date (or LID), which occurs anywhere from 4 days to 6 weeks after DTC. It doesn't matter really as long as you know what date you are looking at in reference to what. For example The China Center for Adoption Affairs posts information about referrals based on LID. On Jan 25th all the people with a LID of April 26, 05-May 13, 05 received their referrals.
It's very exciting each month to see where the CCAA is at as far as processing but how many LIDs they match at a time totally varies. The people who received their referrals on the 25th should be traveling to pick up their daughters in 6-8 weeks (hopefully.) It's very exciting and we can't wait until it's our turn!
Thanks for continuing to follow this journey with us!!