Alyson and Andrew are doing great. Andrew starts 3rd grade tomorrow. Yikes! Where has the time gone?! We've had a busy month, as usual. We've spent a lot of time at the pool and the park so I have a bunch of pictures. Alyson's hair is finally growing so I've been able to do some pigtails. She's so cute :-) Michael says the pigtails look like bug antennae. Well she is our cute little bug so I don't care. He's just a guy, he doesn't get a vote ;-)
On a health note, Alyson had some bloodwork done and a TB test last week and all looks good except that she's slightly anemic. That could be due to prior poor nutrition or she's still not completely recovered from the blood loss during her open heart surgery. Either way, it should improve with time and vitamins.
We'll see her new pediatric cardiologist later in September and he'll try to do another echo then. If she does as poorly with this one as she did the last then we'll schedule a sedated one. She's doing a little better with doctors now though so hopefully we'll be able to avoid sedation. She let the regular pediatrician actually put his stethescope on her without screaming a couple weeks ago. He said he hears a murmur still so that's a tiny bit concerning but we'll know what's up for sure with the next echo.
She's doing awesome though. Talking up a storm. We can tell that her babbling has taken on more English intonnations now. I think she's losing what little Mandarin she did have. It makes me sad but there's not a lot we can do about it at the moment.
She's quite the bossy little thing, like most 18 month olds I suppose. Andrew and the dog bear the brunt of most of her bossyness but they both take it well. She loves to tell Bailey to "moooooove." For awhile we thought she was mooing at the dog but then we figured out she was telling her to move out of her way. Very cute. When Bailey does what Alyson wants, which is rarely, she tells her "good girl." It's so funny, it's like she wants to parent soemthing too.
On to what everyone's here for really, the pictures :-)