Sunday, October 28, 2007

RSV, croup, and "uh oh, whas dat?"

As if our poor kid hasn't had enough night troubles, now she's had RSV and croup for the last week. It's been rough but she started feeling better yesterday and she slept pretty well last night. She seems less frightened at night too so hpefully we're turning a corner both in her health and her anxiety issues. That sounds so bad, "anxiety issues." I dont' know what else to call it. She's just having a normal adopted toddler rough time. She has some more grieving to do and it can take kids years to truly trust their new family. We'll get through it :-)

Good news is none of this has slowed her down from learning new words and phrases in the past few weeks.
Some of our favorites:

uh oh, whas dat?
uh oh, whas dat clue? (while watching blue's clues)
where's daddy at?
thank you (although she seems to have given up on please)
bless you (sounds like tissue, she says it after anyone sneezes)
good girl (referring to herself sometimes but usually the dog)

On to some pictures... They're a little out of order but essentially newer to older.

This is the expression we call "horror movie." I'm not even sure how it started now but whenever we say "horror movie," she'll make this face like she's bracing herself for something startling. It's hilarious.

This picture is too dark but she's just so cute.
Helping Daddy sweep acorns off the walk.

These pictures were taken when I was trying to put Alyson's new stroller together. Andrew laid down on the floor to watch me so of course little sis has to do everything he does...

Andrew surfing on a turtle at the nature center. Alyson didn't want anything to do with this turtle.

Alyson lecturing her brother about something or other...

Pretty sunset on the lake that the nature center is on.

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