We have known for awhile that there is a stray cat hanging out under our front steps. Bailey brilliantly decided to shove her head in the opening to this cavern of sorts under the steps and got a nice scratch on the nose for it. That was a few weeks ago. I thought it had left, but Bailey knew better. She has been hanging out at the front door and scratching at the little rug trying to "find" the cat. Last week I finally saw the real reason for the cat's stay. Five kittens! I've now been feeding them for almost a week while I formulate a plan for their future. One now has a permanent home with a neighbor but the 4 remaining will have to go to the Humane Society later this week. They are getting big and playful and eating some solid kitten food. They are at their most adoptable so I need to get them out of here. Andrew and I are quite attached though!

"I know there's something out there! Let me at it!"

Aren't they cute!?
awwww...they are too cute! If I were closer I would come get one off your hands!p
Too precious!!!!
I agree with Mary, I would need to pick one up if we were closer. We could use a barn cat.
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