Monday, May 29, 2006

Michael is home from Iraq!!

I know I never mentioned it in this blog (for security reasons) but Michael has been in Baghdad for the last 4 1/2 months. He came home safe and sound this past Thursday.

Our neighbors made this slide to project on our garage door to celebrate his homecoming!

We have been very lucky to communicate daily by email and many phone calls but nothing is as good as being able to see his face again and know that he is safe.

Thank you everyone for all of your thoughts and prayers. It has meant a lot to both of us. Andrew and I are so proud of our hero and of all the good work he was able to accomplish while there. We are celebrating and grateful that he was able to come home on time but we have not forgotten, especially on this Memorial Day, that many families have not been so lucky.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all the remaining soldiers and their families that still have a long and worrisome wait to endure.


Ava's family said...

How wonderful to have him home safe & sound. Welcome home Michael!

Mary said...

I'm glad to hear Michael is finally home! Enjoy your time together!

Nina said...

Wow, you've had TWO long waits on your hands! So glad your husband is home safe and sound!

Chelley said...

Welcome home! I bet you so happy to be home!!!