Monday, March 27, 2006

Disturbing but not suprising

The Chinese adoption community is buzzing with rumors right now. The news of only 5 days worth of LID's being matched in the March batch has started a slew of new speculations. No one has the answers but China, and right now they're not talking. If they are sharing their projections with the agencies then the agencies aren't sharing them with their clients because the agencies appear to be making it up as they go along. My least favorite piece of info posted this week is:

"My Canadian agency said June will take 3 months to match and then they expect each month after to take two months to match."

If this is accurate, which it certainly seems possible, then we can hope for our referral to come in November or December of 2007. Yes, 2007.

This is my least favorite piece of info because it is likely the most true.

The hopeful news is that it is in everyone's best interest to not let wait times get that long. Who's going to do something about it or how is beyond me but I hope someone does.

There are agencies (not ours) that are actually sending out emails to their clients addressing the concerns and giving predictions about the future wait times. These have ranged from 10-18 months. One agency is actually still saying that for people logged in this month their wait should be 10-11 months. That's impossible at this point. Another agency has told a client with a November LID to expect an 18 month wait. That's possible.

There's no actual point in my posting this information, just venting I guess.

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