I think I forgot to mention before that we are traveling with a great family, John and Andrea Howorth, and their new baby Natalie. They are from Oregon. I am so happy to be going through this whole experience with them, they are the nicest people and I think we are really helping each other out. So many things are lost in translation with our guides and at restaurants so it's great to have people to laugh with (and cry with).
Alyson made huge strides today. This morning she woke up mad as heck that these strange white people were still in her room but by this evening she was like she's always been in our family. This morning Daddy was still the hero but she tolerated me ok. Just tolerated, but that is more than some families who experience complete rejection for several days/weeks. By this evening she actually reached out to me to pick her up. Daddy wasn't in the room so she didn't have a better choice but still it was huge. Actually this morning she fed me a cheerio too so we were already starting to be friends then. At lunch we were at the hotel buffet so Michael kept getting up and getting stuff and everytime she lost sight of him she would scrunch up her face like she was going to wail but she just wimpered until she could see him again.
Our girl is an eater. She snacked her way through most of the day and ate like a champ at lunch and dinner. She really likes the gerber sweet potatoe puffs. I forgot what it was like to eat with a 15 month old. The need for independence and wish to feed oneself with silverware coupled with the frustration of not really being able to feed oneself. Bailey is going to be camped out at her high chair for sure. She is still taking a bottle of formula in the morning and evening but she's real clear about when she's had enough. She let me hold her and feed her her bottle tonight and it was really sweet. Michael was sitting right there too but she let me do it.
She is so beautiful and has such a smooth doll face. Everyone around here thinks she's a boy though. Maybe I'll try a hair bow some day this week.
This morning we went back to the weird pseudo civil affairs office/apartment to actually finalize the adoption. It was a lot of paperwork but our Holt guide and local Yunnan guide were great about explaining it all and making sure we understood what we were signing. It was very organized chaos but it went fine. For Alyson's part she had to put a red footprint on the paperwork to seal the deal.
We found out at this meeting a little more about Alyson's history. We found out that when she was abandonded she was indeed found with a note. The orphanage is still refusing to give us a copy of it. They said that the note only had her birthdate on it but they will keep it on file and maybe someday Alyson can return to Kunming for a visit and request it herself. Yeah, I'm not going to hold my breath on that one. They also said they did not have her surgical records. They said the hospital would not relaese them to the orphanage. I asked if our US doctors could request them from the hospital and they said probably not. They are so strange and secretive about stuff. After some pleading and a few tears I finally gave up on both the note and the medical records. Good news is she looks healthy and her open heart surgery scar looks really good.
We also found out that her foster parents are farmers, thus her dark tan. She is used to being carried in a back carrier while the foster parents worked outside. The foster parents are in their 40s and have a middle school age son.
We're supposed to be getting translated copies of her "routine" tomorrow. Yeah, that will be helpful. At that point we will have had her for over 2 days, I think we've got her routine figured out. Just add that to the list of things that are a little off about this whole process.
After the adoption registration we went to get her passport photo then back to the hotel for lunch and a nap then back to the passport place to actually apply for her passport. It was a busy day. We had dinner tonight at a place called the Bluebird that has many western dishes. It was really good.
Well that's plenty of gabber, here's some pics:
sleeping beauty this morning, still in the clothes from when we got her yesterday. She was fighting us so hard and grieving so much that we didn't have the heart to strip her down and change into pajamas.
Farewell for now from Kunming :-)
I can not tell you how THRILLED I am for you all!! She is gorgeous, those rosey cheeks are to precious! Soon enough she will be mommy's girl and attached at the hip. I hope to meet her before you move! Congrats!!! Your safe return is in my prayers!
Hi there - you don't know me - but I know your sister Kathy, and I am also going thru the Chinese adoption process, so she shared your blog with me.
Just wanted to say that Alyson is absolutely beautiful and I am so happy for your family!
I have tears of joy for you guys. She is beautiful and wonderful on the progression of attachment. We are so happy you are able to report many of the details and cannot wait to be there too...Hopefully in one month's time. Rebecca John Claire & Cai - waiting in Kunming dob 6-4-06
Congratulations to all! Thanks for letting us share a little bit in this amazing experience you are having. Every day is a new adventure. What a lovely family you make!
Great photos!!!! She is such a cutie!!!
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