The important thing is we got Alyson and she looks very healthy. She initally was ok with me and even slept for a bit on my chest while we rode the bus back to the hotel. She has cried a fair amount and ever since we got back to the room though she wants nothing to do with me. It's ok and very normal especially for a foster care baby to bond with Daddy first. She's a little hesitant with Michael too, she won't let him pick her up but she'll look at him and let him play with her.
As expected, she likes Andrew. He was the first to make her smile and even laugh a little. When I turn around to look at her and catch her smile she'll quickly frown.
She's talking a little bit (we're not sure what she's saying of course) and she seems pretty on target. She won't walk but that doesn't mean she can't. When they brought her in the room she was walking holding the caregiver's hands.
She feels like she's at least 20 pounds and the clothes she came in were a size 18 months pants and a 6-9 month shirt. The size 3 diapers we brought are a tad too big but they're ok.
I think that's it for the moment. I didn't sleep well at all last night so I'm ready for bed, we imagine she will be soon too. Right now she's playing with stacking cups and she let Michael feed her a bottle just a minute ago. She wouldn't let him hold her but she laid in the crib and let him hold the bottle.
We're happy but tired. We'll try to catch a smile on camera tomorrow for you all.
Love to all!
How absolutely wonderful! You can see Andrew's smile when they were bringing her in --- priceless!!!
What an angelic & beautiful little face!
Isn't it nice to have a little one nestled up on your chest again?!
We can't tell you how delighted we are for you all!!!
Love, Gen & Co. =)
Oh my goodness!!! She is BEAUTIFUL.. and so healthy looking. Congrats!!! And, that bonding will come. I can't wait for our Gotcha Day. Thanks for sharing your day with us.
Alyson is just beautiful! I'm so happy for all of you! We can't wait to meet her.
Carolyn, seeing the picture of you with Alyson's head on your chest brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful family all of you make!
Love, Casey & all
I can imagine that it is surreal- I am so happy for you and your family. Alyson is beautiful and makes your family look complete. Just a side note- I was explaining to Lexi about where you are and she saw the photos and the first thing she said was that you look like me :)It brought back awesome memories when you lived here!!- Can't wait to hear more about your journey. I'm so happy for you-
congrats!! you can see the love in all your eyes!! she is just darling and I am sure she will warm up to you guys no prob in a day or so!!
congratualtions to all of you! she is lovely!!! Hope you had a restful night and that the bonding goes smoothly!
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