Thursday, May 17, 2007

We're here!

We've survived our 40+ hours of travel and we're in our hotel in Beijing. Andrew was a great traveler and we had some cultural experiences but no problems. I think we all slept about 6-8 hours total in spurts. We're pretty tired but we're going to try to stay up until at least 7PM so we can get on track. As I type this it is about 3PM here so only 4 hours to go and we can crash!
Tomorrow we have to meet our guide in the lobby bright and early for our tour of the Great Wall and some other sightseeing.
It looks like connecting to blogger won't be too much of a problem so we'll try to post some pictures tomorrow. The only techy problem we might have is that I'm a dork and brought the wrong outlet adapter so at the moment we have no way of charging all our electronic stuff. We're waiting for housekeeping to bring us the right adaptor but since Michael had the conversation with the housekeeper in the hallway and there's quite the language barrier, she may think we want a tuna sandwich for all we know.
We'll try to get that worked out soon!
Hugs and kisses to everyone!


Mary said...

I'm so glad to see that y'all made it there safely!! Can't wait to see the pictures!

Trudi said...

Glad you are there safe and sound! Hope you overcome the jet lag easily. Can't wait to follow you in the days ahead! Thanks sooo much for sharing this with all of us who are still waiting here at home!

Alyson said...

I'm thinking about all of you! Have a great experience. Alyson